Monthly Tuition and Fees
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Preschool Monthly Tuition**
5 Days - $1,050
4 Days - $875
3 Days - $725
2 Days - $575
5 Days - $900
4 Days - $750
3 Days - $575
2 Days - $475
5 Days - $850
4 Days - $700
3 Days - $525
2 Days - $425
Full Day - $55 | Lunchtime - $8 | Extended Day - $31
Half Day through Lunchtime - $44
Half Day without Lunchtime - $38
Infant Care - Monthly Fees**
5 Days - $1,550
4 Days - $1,250
3 Days - $950
2 Days - $675
Full Day - $75
Hourly Rate - $18
**Please note that there is a non-refundable Registration Fee of $100 annually.